venture capital economiccs Archives | Wealthfront Blog Personal Finance & Investing Insights Fri, 03 Mar 2023 17:53:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 venture capital economiccs Archives | Wealthfront Blog 32 32 Demystifying Venture Capital Economics, Part 2 Wed, 24 Sep 2014 17:43:30 +0000 One of the most challenging things for people outside the technology world to understand about venture capitalists is why they are willing to fund companies that operate at a significant loss. After all, classic security analysis teaches us companies don’t have any value if they can’t produce a profit. The operative word in that statement […]

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Demystifying Venture Capital Economics, Part 1 Thu, 19 Jun 2014 18:24:26 +0000 The other day my co-founder, Dan Carroll, asked me a number of questions about Venture Capital returns because he was stunned by the valuations of some recently announced deals. After I answered the question, Dan and a few colleagues who were within earshot encouraged me to share my perspective on the subject because it is […]

The post Demystifying Venture Capital Economics, Part 1 appeared first on Wealthfront Blog.
