Charley Ellis Archives | Wealthfront Blog Personal Finance & Investing Insights Thu, 03 Feb 2022 19:25:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Charley Ellis Archives | Wealthfront Blog 32 32 Too Much Liquidity Will Cost You Over the Long Run Wed, 30 Jul 2014 16:26:03 +0000 When it comes to investing the general belief is liquidity is a good thing. But is liquidity always a positive?  The answer is no. Fifty years of personal investing experience and as many years observing other investors, particularly those managing their own investments, have led me to conclude that too much liquidity has, in fact, […]

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Missing the Obvious on Fees Thu, 23 Jan 2014 17:46:38 +0000 I have a personal confession. For nearly 50 years, I’ve missed the “obvious” reality: Fees for investment management are not low. They are high; very high. When investors recognize this “new reality” — that fees are not trivial but are crucial — the beautiful “inside” world of fund management will experience a powerfully disruptive revolution. […]

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Trust and Mission: A Talk With Charley Ellis Tue, 23 Jul 2013 17:17:56 +0000 Charley Ellis, the newest member of Wealthfront’s investment advisory board, has been a clarion voice over a long, distinguished career for high-quality, low-cost investing and for the rights of individual investors. His expertise has placed him at the highest level of the investing world. A consultant to the biggest investment management firms, he is a […]

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Charley Ellis Joins Wealthfront Thu, 18 Jul 2013 16:30:15 +0000 At Wealthfront, we believe in putting our clients’ interests first. The trust and confidence our clients place in our service is the primary reason we’re now the largest and fastest-growing software-based financial advisor. Our success allows us to attract incredibly talented people from the investment and technology worlds, which in turn enables us to continually […]

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