Chris Hutchins | Wealthfront Blog Personal Finance & Investing Insights Wed, 12 Jun 2024 18:33:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chris Hutchins | Wealthfront Blog 32 32 Your End-Of-Year Financial To-Do List Wed, 15 Dec 2021 19:08:40 +0000 2021 is drawing to a close, which means many of us are thinking about enjoying the holidays and spending time with our family and friends. It’s also a great time to check in on your finances to make sure you’ve set yourself up for success in the new year. To help you get started, here […]

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Financial Priorities for Your 20s, 30s, and 40s Thu, 15 Jul 2021 19:06:07 +0000 Some advice is timeless. Look both ways before you cross the street. Drink enough water. Back up your files. But when it comes to personal finance, the truth is that some things change as you get older. Good financial advice for a 20-year-old isn’t necessarily right for someone in their 40s. Here, we’ll break down […]

The post Financial Priorities for Your 20s, 30s, and 40s appeared first on Wealthfront Blog.

Why Renting Is Sometimes Smarter Than Buying Mon, 15 Mar 2021 18:07:32 +0000 Home-buying has made a lot of headlines lately. Many people are buying earlier than anticipated, in part because mortgage interest rates are relatively low and because a year of remote work has made it tempting to get a little more space. Maybe you even know a few people who have taken the plunge and bought […]

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How Millennials Are Thinking About Their Finances During COVID-19 Thu, 28 May 2020 13:00:56 +0000 Much has been written about millennials and money – this generation came of age during the Great Recession (which began in late 2007 and lasted into 2009), and now they’re facing another economic downturn as relatively young adults. At Wealthfront, we build our products and services for millennials. In order to do this successfully, we […]

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Tips for Managing Your Finances After Job Loss or Wage Loss Fri, 08 May 2020 18:28:24 +0000 Over the last seven weeks, more than 33 million Americans have filed for unemployment. Many more have had their hours or their pay cut at work. Dealing with the loss of wages or your job can be incredibly stressful – I was laid off in 2008 during the financial crisis, and remember how challenging it […]

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